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Faith Over Fear Training


Our trainings aim to reduce and to counter anti-Muslim bias, discrimination, and violence in the United States by working with faith and community leaders to:

  1. Improve skills (and confidence) to speak against anti-Muslim rhetoric and discrimination

  2. Increase community discussions to effectively counter anti-Muslim discrimination

  3. Build stronger local multi-religious networks

Our Faith Over Fear training covers the following main topics:

  1. Understanding and Contextualizing Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry in the United States (providing a broad overview of the historic context, complexity of the issue, key data points, and how it shows up in our communities today)

  2. Messaging and Communicating for Change (reviewing underlying dynamics of why negative speech resonates, how to avoid reinforcing stereotypes, sharing top-testing messaging recommendations and communications tips)

  3. Strategies for Engagement and Change (offering concrete ideas and tactics for moving people on the issue)

Upcoming Trainings

Self-guided Virtual training

We are excited to announce a home for our NEW self-guided virtual Faith Over Fear. Enroll for this virtual course on Thanks to generous individual donations and grants, scholarships are available upon request. Reach out to our team if you have any questions.


If you have a group of friends, family, or colleagues who would like to move through this content together with guided discussions led by one of our staff, email us to talk further and discuss group discounts.


Reach out to our team for more information on hosting a Faith Over Fear training, and check out our FAQ below.

Panel Discussion on “Strategies for Engagement and Change” during our November, 2019 Faith Over Fear Training in Louisville, Kentucky. Photo courtesy of Jerry McBroom.

Panel Discussion on “Strategies for Engagement and Change” during our November, 2019 Faith Over Fear Training in Louisville, Kentucky. Photo courtesy of Jerry McBroom.

Frequently Asked Questions


In responding to anti-Muslim bias and discrimination, we have a choice. If we choose fear, there are only three options - fight, flight, or freeze - and that can look like harmful rhetoric, hate crimes, discriminatory policies, siloing off in our communities, running away from engaging with folks of different faiths & backgrounds, or remaining idle, staying silent, and doing nothing. If we choose faith, a world of possibility can open up. Faith can be found in a religious tradition or spiritual path, rooted in sacred text, ancestral wisdom, and/or it can be guided by a deep sense of hope for what this nation and this world could be: faith in the possibility or the promise of change. At Shoulder to Shoulder, we believe that people of faith are powerful agents of change. No matter your faith or background, we hope you’ll join us in choosing Faith Over Fear.

+ I am not clergy and I do not consider myself a leader in a faith community, is this training for me?

Yes. While this training was originally designed for clergy, lay leaders, and faith-based and interfaith organizational leaders, this training is open to anyone who sees a need in their community and wants to respond to anti-Muslim sentiment with proven methods and research. We do ask participants to reflect on their role in their community, their personal motivations for the work, and understand their individual leverage points. Regardless of our job title, each of us has something unique to contribute and we each hold a responsibility to respond to discrimination and hate in our communities.

+ What is the format of the training? What topics will we cover?

We cover the following main topics:

  1. Understanding and Contextualizing Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry in the United States (providing a broad overview of the historic context, complexity of the issue, key data points, and how it shows up in our communities today)

  2. Messaging and Communicating for Change (reviewing underlying dynamics of why negative speech resonates, how to avoid reinforcing stereotypes, sharing top-testing messaging recommendations and communications tips)

  3. Strategies for Engagement and Change (offering concrete ideas and tactics for moving people on the issue)

We supplement these units with additional sessions and topics, depending on timing, the expressed needs of the host community, and the intended participants.

Both our in-person and virtual trainings are a mix of expert lectures and panels, reflective exercises, small group discussions, and strategy sessions. Our virtual trainings blend self-guided coursework that includes videos, articles, quizzes, and reflective questions, and live virtual conversations on zoom. During these live sessions, we unpack the content, answer questions, and engage in small group discussion. The self-guided content for the virtual trainings take approximately 1-2 hours per module.

+ I may have to miss one or two live sessions during the virtual training, should I still register?

We ask you to register and commit to attending all four live sessions. If these times do not work for you, please know that we will be offering our virtual training again in the future. We also understand that life happens so if you are registered for a course and something unexpected comes up, just contact us.

+ I do not intend to interact with the course platform and only intend to join the live sessions, should I still register?

Our course platform has high-quality videos featuring our partners, national and local leaders, and experts. Their voices and experiences are critical to completing the course. The live sessions build upon and develop from this self-guided content on the course platform. Formatting the training in this way allows us to focus our live sessions on real conversations to get to know each other and unpack the content together, rather than it being a webinar style presentation.

+ I have already taken this training, what should I do next?

Consider inviting others to register for the next training and/or consider taking the training again to brush up your skills. (We learn something new every time!)

Check this list of our local members on this page to find the organizations in your area that are addressing anti-Muslim discrimination in some capacity and/or consider signing up your organization or congregation to join the network. They may have additional ways to get involved.

In addition to offering our training, Shoulder to Shoulder hosts a number of related events including workshops, public conversations, and webinars and we regularly collect and develop a growing set of relevant offline and online resources for this work.

Every Ramadan we also uplift and host opportunities for communities to connect and engage in local and national events. Our Ramadan page includes upcoming events, as well as our Ramadan-specific video series and resources.

If you’re looking for something specific, contact us.

+ I’m interested in hosting a virtual, in-person, and/or hybrid Faith Over Fear training. What should I do?

We’d love to explore partnering with you! Email one of us to set up a conversation. If you’re looking to host an in-person or hybrid training for your community, you can review this quick two-page document and get in touch with us.

+ What’s the difference between the virtual training and the in-person training?

Both our in-person and virtual training is a mix of expert lectures and panels, reflective exercises, small group discussions, and strategy sessions.

Each in-person training is customized with the local host community so will vary in length and exact format. The in-person training would have a panel of local leaders, and a selection of our national partners and experts present. These speakers would give their presentations live, with time for Q&A and discussion.

Our virtual trainings blend self-guided coursework that includes videos, articles, quizzes, and reflective questions, and live virtual conversations on zoom. During these live zoom sessions, we unpack the content, answer questions, and engage in small group discussion. The self-guided content for the virtual trainings takes approximately 1-2 hours per module.

+ What is the difference between Shoulder to Shoulder’s Faith Over Fear training and your Overcoming Fear: Addressing anti-Muslim bias in the classroom and community” training?

Both versions cover the same core content mentioned above with one difference. The Overcoming Fear training was developed in partnership with the South Dakota Voices for Peace’s Cohort of Courage for Educators to specifically engage teachers, administrators, parents, and students. In that effort, we added a few additional videos from experts and invited speakers to the live sessions to share more on creating inclusive classrooms and responding to anti-Muslim discrimination on campus. We also supplemented the resources and content with additional research on school trends.

— Background —

In January 2018, Shoulder to Shoulder partnered with the Muslim Association of Puget Sound - American Muslim Empowerment Network, Neighbors in Faith, CAIR Washington, and numerous national organizations, experts, and practitioners including (but not limited to) the Institute for Social Policy & Understanding, OverZero, and ReThink Media for our first flagship training in Redmond, Washington entitled, Faith Over Fear: Empowering Faith Leaders to Combat Islamophobia. This initial training has continued to evolve and grow with responding to community needs, including updated resources and strategies, and expert and participant feedback.

The 1-minute highlight video above and this 5 min video share about the early version of the training. A training that we have now held in 12 cities, and virtually, with over 500 participants and counting!

Past Trainings

Lane College in Jackson, TN - September 4, 2024 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Register Here) This presentation will provide an overview of our core content during a special Chapel Service program on campus.

Houston, TX - March 19, 2024 1 PM - 5:00 PM (Register Here) This afternoon training will cover our core content. Participants are invited to an interfaith iftar after the training through the registration link.

Hillsborough, NJ - March 8, 2024 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM (Register Here) This workshop for students and educators will give an overview of our core content.

Addressing Identity Based Violence - United Religions Initiative (URI) Regional Conference Mini Faith Over Fear Workshop - Columbus, Ohio - November 4 - 5, 2023

Bozeman, Montana - Faith Over Fear: Welcoming Our Muslim Neighbors - October 5, 2023

Parliament of World Religions - Mini Faith Over Fear Workshop - August 18, 2023

ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church - in America) Rostered Ministers Gathering - Mini Faith Over Fear Workshop - July 18, 2023

All About Love - Episcopal Church Revival - Mini Faith Over Fear Workshop - July 11, 2023

Orange City, Iowa - Hybrid - April 1-2, 2022 - Agenda

Grand Rapids, Michigan - Hybrid - March 18-19th, 2022 - Agenda

Virtual - October 26-29, 2021

Virtual - (adapted for Educators) - July 27-Aug 17, 2021

Virtual - Feb. 24 - Mar. 10, 2021

Virtual - Nov. 16 - Dec. 17, 2020 - Module Outline

Nashville, Tennessee - February 28-29, 2020 - Agenda

North Carolina - February 18-19, 2020 - Agenda

Charleston, West Virginia - December 2, 2019 - Agenda

Willmar, Minnesota - November 15-16, 2019 - Agenda

Louisville, Kentucky - November 10-11, 2019 - Agenda

Omaha, Nebraska - November 2-3, 2019 - Agenda

Houston, Texas - August 29-30, 2019 - Agenda

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan - April 11-12, 2019 - Agenda

New York City, New York - March 7, 2019 - Agenda

Willowbrook, Illinois - February 1-2, 2019 - Agenda

Washington, DC - November 15-16, 2018 - Agenda

Seattle, Washington - January 28-30, 2018 - Agenda & Training Highlight Video

Through our Faith Over Fear Trainings, Shoulder to Shoulder has proudly featured national and local leaders representing a wide range of organizations and congregations across the United States, including, but not limited to, the following: (listed in alphabetical order)

America Indivisible, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), The Bridge Initiative at Georgetown, Congregation Beit Simchat Torah in New York City, The Intereligious Institute at Chicago Theological Seminary, local chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Institute for Social Policy & Understanding (ISPU), the Interfaith Center of New York, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston, Interfaith Youth Core, Islamic Networks Group, Justice for Muslims Collective, Kaufmann Institute, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago - Center for Christian-Muslim Engagement, the Mecca Center in Willowbrook, IL, Muslim Advocates, Muslim Anti-Racist Collaborative, the Muslim Association of Puget Sound - American Muslim Empowerment Network (MAPS-AMEN), the Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Committee, the Muslim Unity Center in Bloomfeild, MI, Minaret Foundation, Neighborly Faith, Neighbors in Faith, OverZero, Peace Catalyst International, The People’s Supper, ReThink Media, Saint John Lutheran Church in Joliet, IL, Service Never Sleeps, The Sikh Coalition, Silk Road Rising, South Dakota Voices for Peace, Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Teaching for Change: Challenge Islamophobia, Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition, and more.