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What is Islamophobia? Understanding and Countering Anti-Muslim Discrimination in the U.S. | Workshop for CSU Long Beach Faculty & Staff

Who are American Muslims? What is Islamophobia and how does it show up in society? What can we do about it? Join California State University, Long Beach for a special program on Understanding & Countering Anti-Muslim Discrimination in the U.S. on November 20 at 10am-12pm.

The program will explore facts, data, and stories about who American Muslims are beyond an Islamophobia lens, how anti-Muslim discrimination impacts all of us, and what strategies and tactics we can utilize to build more just, equitable, inclusive, and pluralistic communities. The program will be facilitated by Nina Fernando, Executive Director of the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign, a national multifaith coalition dedicated to countering and preventing anti-Muslim discrimination in the United States.  We work to build a society where all people, regardless of their faith or background, are treated with respect and dignity.

CSULB Faculty & Staff can learn more and sign up here.

If you are not a CSULB faculty or staff, reach out to our team to learn more about this workshop: